Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New ideas! (?)

Okay, I've got most of the minor a parts just bidding my time checking on cost of large glass containers. I am hesitant to use glass since it breaks when it's dropped. These things are going to be large and the possibility of them shattering into thousands of pieces keeps popping into my mind. I think plastic would be a better choice and easier to work with since I'll need to make the holes in the bottom of them larger to accommodate the mobile structures I am going to make for the pictures and such. Unless of course the glass containers I find have larger holes in them then I won't have to worry about cutting anything and no ship-in-a-bottle construction methods.

On a completely different note I had some other possibilities brought to my attention (sketches of which I will post up later) using smaller versions of my vacuum tube people and going with the dioramas of family life. These would involve something similar to the large ones where I would place pictures of each gender role inside a mason jar-sized container on a sort of skeleton, like seeing inside a jellyfish or an x-ray. Then I would put green LED's inside these to give that healthy radioactive glow! There would be a large backdrop of a nuclear explosion that would also be lit from underneath to have a green glow. The sketch looks neaet and thinking of making three dioramas side by side with a nuclear explosion behind them makes for a compelling image, at least in my mind. I'll have to check again for prices of large containers and if I can't find anything on the cheap smaller tubes and healthy green glow it is!

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