Wednesday, December 1, 2010


*original writing 11/4/10

I finally sat down and got my arduino boards out to do test out using multiple LED's. After some serious websurfing I found this thread on the arduino forums about multiple LED's. It was pretty useful in explaining why delay is not the command to use for multiple LED's, what millis does or at least how it works and a few ther things (along with some nice code to boot!). I setup 5 LED's on one arduino board and just added more code and just messed with the numbers, pretty simple and I think it will suit my needs very well. I'm just tweaking the numbers now in order to make a blink pattern I like and that will look as if the vacuum tubes are communicating. I plan on having each tube blink at different speeds with the parent tubes at a moderate pace and the children blinking faster. Once I get a baseline for the parents it will be much easier to tweak the speeds and of course I'll be getting outside opinions of it all.
With the Arduino stuff pretty much taken care of I am going to go about gathering the materials I need in order to build a prototype tube, just the inner setup, so I can get an idea of how much wire I will need and the best way to make the smaller plugs that will connect the wiring in the tubes to the arduino boards. I apologize for not having pictures of anything my camera battery needs food badly and I don't have the charger. :P
I was also out of town last week which is why I was unable to take care of things like camera batteries and such. I was checking out some neat stuff down south at a magical place about a movie that is coming out soon....

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