Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Initial research

*I wrote this in early October, the next few posts were all written before today's date.

The new direction required some new research so I've been making a list of common gender roles/stereotypes from the 1950-60 era United States. I plan on finding, creating, acquiring physical objects that I feel best represent these ideas and themes and then going about creating a framework to mount them on that can then be placed inside the vacuum tubes. It is really nice to have measurements to work with and using a 3D program helps out immensly since I can test out an idea without having to spend time actually creating it only to find it out it won't work.

Following are some of the fruits of my delving into the internets and I hope o have imgaes to associate with these within the week.

Father - primary wage earner, cars, alcohol, control, leader of family, suits, hats, outdoors, white collar job, pipe, bbq, fella, ties, handsome, baseball

Mother - cooking, cleaning, "motherly" jobs, house wife, nurture, dresses, kitchen, pearls, make-up, dinner time, dame, apron, pristine, vacuum cleaner, lipstick,

Son - outdoors, sports, college, cars, toy soldiers, rough housing, football, baseball, sport, champ, boy scout, chemistry set, bicycle, cowboys & indians, blue,

Daughter - dresses, pony tails, dolls, make-up, sleep overs, playing house, sockhop, pretty, baby sitter, barbie, well mannered, pink, hula hoop, pin-up, poodle skirt,

General ideas: anti-communist, pro-democracy/U.S., American Dream, own house/car,

I want to expand these lists as I progress in my work. What I like best about this is that these are just general stereotypes that primarly existed in the imagination as most families may have conformed to the general format of father, mother, son and daughter the actual poeple comprised a wide variety of occupations, mindesets, personal/occuptional goals and past times that they enjoyed. Every family was different and each had their own ideas of how to pursue and maintain their lives.
I made some test vacuum tubes in sketchup, I think they came out great and the next part of the plan is to get images to put inside them then creating a wireframe model that fits inside the tubes and holds the images. This way I can figure what sizes work best and then get started on trying to put in some LED's or other electronic bits to add some extra character these things.

The main components would be the glass tube, a base plate to mount the internal collage, and the base socket the tube would be placed inside. The tubes themselves would then be placed into a base made to look like a tube amp. I haven't designed that yet as I want to get the tubes themselves made to get a better idea of how I would wire them up to power whatever I add to the inside of them.

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