Saturday, September 4, 2010

recycling recycled recyclabes...?

Onwards and forwards. I'm going to be spending the next few months refining my project and ideas. I'm going to try to get some more diorama construction in and take some decent photos with good lighting (probably outside light in the afternoon). Then do some collage assembly. I also want to find some more vacuum tubes so that I can make permanent dioramas to show instead of just posters though if I can't I'm going to have to stick with the poster idea.

Of course reusing stuff is one of the aspects of my project so I might just stick with the poster collage idea, though having physical pieces would be really awesome.

So if anyone has or knows where I can get some of these for cheap (or free) I'd really appreciate the opportunity to get some and used is perfectly fine for my purposes (and is preferred).
Dan out!

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