Monday, June 14, 2010

Oh yeah...

If any one has old/ unused/ possibly-soon-to-be-discarded electronics I wouldn't mind taking a look at them :), though I know very few people (none) are following this blog. If there is anyone out there and you have stuff that meets the criteria then please post up a comment and I'll get back to you, or if you have my contact info then just use that. Thanks!

Ok, got some relaxing done...

Now onto serious business! So I've managed to nab some more electronic bits and am now looking for, lack of a better term, iconic human scenes. I am basically looking for scenes that are easily recognizable by people. Scenes of sadness, happiness, pain, joy... things like that. So far I think using the cell phones to create an electronic car accident is a good idea and now I just need to find some other scenes that are as easily recognizable (I hope) and find appropriate/suitable electronic bits to make the scenes out of. I am thinking that bluetooth headsets might be useable for something I just can't determine what yet. I am leaning towards some kind of victory scene similar to the raising of a flag or cheering someone on, maybe have them all holding another headset up in the air so to speak. I can help feeling hat I should try to capitalize on the main use of the headsets: that of making communication easier while keeping us separate at the same time. I just can't think of anything at the moment.

I am also wondering what I could do with a broken camera or two. Though I think I am going to try to stay with things that can be perceived as human somehow or replace other things (like cell phones and cars). I have to just sit down and sketch things and print out pics of "human" scenes. I'll have to see what I can get up to this week.

So many irons... so little fire.

Okay I thought the headsets might look interesting gathered in a crowd, either simulating a gravesite or a crowd at a sporting event, though I think the sporting event might be tough, unless I can find a tiny LCD screen to place in front of them and have a blurry picture of a sporting event on it. The gravesite seems much easier and goes along with the other ideas I have, which seems to include violence or its aftermath.